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- TF01
- 3,Gene Roddenberry - Biography
- 4,edited by Simon Plumbe
- Gene Roddenberry - The Unauthorised Biography
- -----------------------------------------------
- Compiled by Simon Plumbe
- --------------------------
- Following the release of his controversial book, "Gene Roddenberry:
- The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek" author Joel Engel has been
- the subject of numerous debates and discussions on Internet regarding
- the book, it's remarks about Gene Roddenberry and its accuracy.
- A number of Trekkers responded with their comments, many defending
- Gene, and these were replied to by the author himself, David
- Alexander (author of the OFFICIAL biography) and J. Michael
- Straczynski (creator of BABYLON 5).
- Presented here are extracts from the debate that rocked Internet...
- Unauthorized biographies seem to stay just a hair short of slander
- (or is it libel?), to sell large numbers of books. Is this GR bio
- unauthorized?
- It is unauthorized.
- I would read this book very cautiously, if one reads it at all.
- While there is no doubt some truths to it (and the occasional new &
- interesting ST trivia tidbit), the book makes a pretty fair number of
- allegations without backing them up with any sources. Don't let the
- 100+ endnotes in it fool you.
- -- Bill Mason, America Online ST forum host.
- WELL, BILL, as the author of the book in question, I have to take
- strong issue with your statement. I'd be interested to see just what
- in is not backed up with sources. Please provide examples.
- Interestingly, you didn't respond to the many times in the text when
- Roddenberry himself was obviously caught prevaricating -- as in,
- reinventing himself. I find great irony in the attitudes of people
- like you (and the post above) who seem to believe that being caught
- with your hand in the cookie jar is okay -- even if it violates the
- precepts you claim to extoll -- if your reputation is established
- well enough. There's particular irony in Roddenberry's position,
- inasmuch as his vision of the future was a vision of truth. Do the
- ends justify the means? They didn't apparently, for Picard, at least
- not in Gene's concept.
- I'll be glad to debate you on your contentions above, either here in
- this space or anywhere you choose. I say with absolute certainty
- that my book is the first authenticated, authoritative, and yes, even
- objective account of GR, ST, and their relationship to each other. I
- notice you didn't refute a single fact in it. If you can, do so. If
- not, then why try to prevent others from learning more about the
- subject they obviously care about. This is the first book not to
- rely on recapitulation -- a la the game of telephone -- for its bulk.
- It is you, not I, who's being unfair to "Gene's vision."
- Will you accept my challenge?
- -- Joel Engel
- Sure, you asked for it.
- Note first that I did not dispute your basic themes regarding Gene
- Roddenberry. I merely stated that you did not document your sources
- for all your claims, if indeed you have sources. (Personally I think
- you wrote the book with the intention of proving, for whatever
- reason, that GR was not the sole creator of ST and therefore was
- deluding the fans and was less of a person for doing so. In some
- other space I will jump on why I think that whole theme is
- ludicrious.)
- For now, if you can document it, feel free to produce your sources
- for any of these:
- Page 12: "Irony explains why so few of those former fellow gods
- joined those who, on November 1, 1991, had come to pay their
- final respects. They had no respect left to pay." Care to
- list out who you count as a "fellow god" (the most vaguest
- phrase you can imagine) and why they RSVPed. Or do just
- just assume they didn't like Gene so they skipped it?
- Page 23: "For Roddenberry and Stadler, however, the trip was not all
- work. They shared a mutual love of good times, which
- translated to booze and female companionship." Since
- Stadler isn't listed with your sources, who told you? Why
- didn't you bother to identify where you got that?
- Page 126: "From an anonymous distance across the street, wearing a
- outfit of black leather, his visage obscured by a helmet,
- Roddenberry sat astride his motorcycle, watching the
- festivities." Very romantic. He's at an "anonymous"
- distance, his face is "obscured," but you found someone who
- knows he was there, huh?
- Pages 157-158: How come this whole anecdote on The Animated Series
- completely fails to mention Walter Koenig? He wasn't
- asked to sign either, but it didn't seem to bother
- Leonard Nimoy much I guess, by your book's telling.
- Page 220: "(He soon plunked down more that $100,000 on a Rolls-Royce
- but complained to staff members when Majel Barrett spent
- $35,000 on a Mercedes.) That's nice; which staff members?
- Page 262: "...his secretary and lover, Susan Sackett...." This is my
- personal favorite, since you quote or refer to Sackett 10
- or 12 times in the book previous to this. None of her
- quotes are about this, and no one even accuses her of this.
- Besides you, of course -- nice move slipping it into the
- epilogue.
- Perhaps you have documentation or witnesses, perhaps not. But crap
- like that just weakens the entire book's validity. I don't have to
- refute you; it's your responsibility as the author to provide this
- information in the first place.
- And considering all the people who aren't on record for anything in
- this book, the idea that you have created a completely
- "authoritative" account is laughable.
- And by the way, when did I say anything about Gene's vision?
- -- Bill Mason, America Online ST forum host
- As I promised somewhere in the 'group to Joel Engel, a commentary on
- the Roddenberry biography's theme.
- This book seems to have an underlying premise: to establish that Gene
- Roddenberry was not the sole creator of Star Trek. That he would
- unfairly, unethically, and perhaps illegally assume credit for
- creations within the ST universe that were not his own. And that
- therefore the fan's romantic visions of GR as the Great Bird are so
- much bunk and weren't we dumb to swallow it.
- The fatal flaw is right at the top: assuming that the fans don't know
- that GR was not the sole creator of everything ST. To put all the
- rambling discourse I'm about to embark on into one sentence: Duh, no
- kidding.
- The idea that the author thinks the fans are this stupid is
- ludicrous. Like we didn't know (to pull examples out of the air)
- that Matt Jeffries designed the TOS Enterprise; Leonard Nimoy
- invented the Nerve Pinch; that Theodore Sturgeon produced major
- information on Vulcan in "Amok Time"; that D.C. Fontana gave us Sarek
- and Amanda in "Journey to Babel; that we don't know there were huge
- rewrite problems with ST:TMP and with series episodes; that TNG had a
- huge writer staff turnover early on; etc.
- In the "Methodology and Sources" section, author Engel notes: "For
- the most part, I avoided the plethora of Star Trek books as reference
- tools, since they veracity quickly became questionable...." *Those*
- are where you find this information that fans have known for ages and
- ages. The assumption that we're so naive as to think GR did it all
- is insulting.
- It seems that Mr. Engel's problem with those sources is that they
- don't go into a blow-by-blow of exactly what GR did or didn't do and
- air everyone's bad blood on the matter. The bio's purpose is to air
- all this bad blood, and to air any "juicy" details of GR's life that
- are to be had, for the purpose of downplaying GR's overall
- contributions to ST and his overall perception as a person.
- Obviously the book must fail at part one -- downplaying GR's overall
- contribution -- since the book argues from the incorrect premise that
- the general audience thinks GR created everything. The bio holds GR
- to a higher standard than even we the fans expected of him.
- As for part two, Gene's overall perception as an person.... Obviously
- there will be some who didn't know a lot of the things in this book,
- and who will revise their opinion of GR as a result. That's to be
- expected, and that is their right.
- But the author's idea that successfully lowering our perception of GR
- supports his first premise that GR was The Creator of All is
- misplaced. First, again, because we already know he was not the
- Creator of All. Second, because the things the book brings out: his
- affairs, drug/alcohol problems, lies or misdirections about his
- military record (to name a few things)... they don't matter.
- OK, yes they do matter. Obviously no one wants to be indifferent to
- someone with those personal problems. Where they *don't* matter is
- in an argument about what Gene did or didn't contribute to creating
- Star Trek. (Unless someone can tell me what difference it makes to
- ST how many combat mission GR flew). If he *hadn't* been involved
- with those things, it might have made ST less of a personal firestorm
- for the people involved. But it wouldn't, overall, change GR's
- position in that group.
- GR created Trek. GR was not necessarily a terrific person to
- everyone he worked with in the process of creating Trek.
- Establishing the second statement does not change the validity of the
- first. *That* is where the book fails.
- If you want to read "the dirt" on GR a la the National Enquirer, then
- by all means read it. If you want to read an analysis of ST with
- fresh information on who-did-what behind the scenes, you don't want
- to read this book. It's that simple.
- -- Bill Mason, America Online ST forum host
- I hardly know where to begin to respond to Bill Mason's incorrect
- assumptions. So I'll make it short and sweet. What the fans did or
- didn't know was irrelevant to me. What was *true* was the only
- relevancy. While researching this story I came upon fabrication upon
- fabrication. Silly me for thinking that people would be pleased to
- discover what was true, not the mythos. It was GR who placed himself
- in the position of being a "visionary." It was GR who said, "It's
- not ST unless I say it's ST." It was GR who could not bear to let ST
- continue without his heavy hand.
- As for the plethora of previously published ST books: After sitting
- for seven hours a day over eight weeks pouring through every document
- in the UCLA ST archives; after actually interviewing the people about
- whom these fan books were written; after talking to the network
- executives -- after all of that it wasn't difficult to see that these
- books were most often wrong.
- Bill, you also fail to mention that I flat out state in the text that
- GR deserves the "lion's share of credit" for ST. Further, you failed
- to mention the many nice things I said about him -- sometimes, in
- fact, giving them more weight than they might otherwise have merited
- because, quite frankly, he didn't have as many unabashed admirers as
- I'd hoped.
- Finally, Bill, you still have not refuted a single statement in the
- book. Comparing the book to something in the National Enquirer is a
- cheap shot and downright silly. *Everything* in the book is
- documented. On the record. With citations. What I can't understand
- is why there's so much anger at me for saying that the emperor had
- few clothes on, instead of at the emperor himself for trying to
- deceive us all. If, as you claim, you knew and it was common
- knowledge that he didn't have any clothes on, why haven't you said
- so? That strikes me as extraordinarily disingenuous.
- So once again, I issue you a challenge: Instead of trying to tar me
- with a broad petulant brush, next time refer to specific instances of
- misinformation. It was GR, not I, who held the fans in contempt. I
- saw my job as setting the record straight. The upshot is that, for
- the most part, the many talented people who worked to make ST
- wonderful are still with us and deserve our applause. Dorothy
- Fontana, who's certainly one of them, wrote the foreword to my book.
- -- Joel Engel
- Since Joel is online and getting involved with discussions about his
- book, I thought it might be appropriate to post this message from J.
- Michael Straczynski which was in response to an inquiry about why he
- was quoted on the back of the book.
- This was bound to come up, so let me dive into this now and tell the
- full story. (I hope someone will archive this out there, so that if
- and when it comes up again, the reply will be available.)
- I have no vested interest in Joel Engel or his book. My first
- contact with Engel was when he wrote a bio of Rod Serling, and I
- booked him on Hour 25 -- my L.A. based talk show on KPFK-FM -- in
- order to rake him over the coals. (Needless to say, I'm a major
- Serling fan.) We went toe to toe for two hours, and many listeners
- felt that I was very hard on him. (And, in fact, I probably was;
- it's not easy when someone tackles one of your icons in full view.)
- What I found was someone who had no agenda but to get out the story,
- as fully and factually as he could. Whatever he said, he had at
- least two and usually more sources on. As a former journalist
- myself, I could find nothing wrong in his methodology or his
- motivation. I built a grudging respect for him over the length of
- that interview.
- He caught a *lot* of flack over that book, and I guess it was about a
- year later when he called and said that he was going to do his next
- book after a subject that would not be as controversial.
- Roddenberry. He knew of Roddenberry's work, though he had no
- connection with the person himself, and figured the book would be a
- cakewalk.
- Much to his dismay, he discovered that he was wrong. The story was
- riddled with controversy, and a very different image than the one
- usually projected. He lamented in one phone conversation (we spoke
- maybe six times in the course of writing the book, it's not any kind
- of real relationship; mainly he was hoping I could point him in one
- direction or the other for sources, one journalist to another) that
- those who spoke most positively of GR were those who never worked
- with him, while he was having the devil's own time trying to get
- anything positive out of anyone who *had* worked with him. This was
- NOT what he had wanted to get into, and apparently several times
- offered to give back the advance, just to get out of the book.... but
- a contract is a contract, and he was under an obligation to tell the
- story as best and as accurately as he could.
- Engel -- who has worked for the NY Times -- has *no* connection to
- Star Trek, *no* axe to grind, *no* interest in doing a hatchet job on
- anyone. If anything, he was hoping to *avoid* this kind of book. He
- made it a point *not* to sensationalize in the book. If anything,
- it's rather dry in places, specifically because he's trying to avoid
- even the appearance of exploitationalism. He is a very thorough,
- careful reporter, and is careful not to say *anything* for which he
- doesn't have multiple sources.
- Once word got out about the book coming out, many of those closest to
- GR began a process of damage control, accusing -- falsely, in my
- judgment -- Engel of bias, of doing a deliberate hatchet job, of
- having an agenda, on and on and on. I have made it a point to try
- and speak honestly and frankly on this and other systems, and I can
- tell you point blank that he operates under none of these. He did
- not set out to "dig up dirt" or to "do a hatchet job." He wanted to
- tell the full story, as much as could be verified factually. There's
- a *lot* of stuff he got that didn't end up in the book, which *would*
- have been sensational, but because he didn't have multiple sources,
- or because he felt it really didn't belong in the book, were omitted.
- When he finished the book, he asked me to read it in case I wanted to
- give him a quote. I accepted the book, figuring that I probably
- would NOT give him a quote, simply because I wanted to stay out of
- the line of fire. When I finished it, I found that it was an honest,
- straightforward job of good journalism, and knew *instantly* that it
- would come under a great deal of fire, most of it unfair, and total
- misrepresentation by certain portions of the fan community. In light
- of that, I felt honor bound to give some sort of quote.
- And that, as they say, is that.
- This isn't an easy area for anyone. As somebody once said, biography
- has lent death a new horror. Probably 25 years from now, somebody'll
- write a book telling about how Larry DiTillio was really the secret
- brains behind Babylon 5....
- -- J. Michael Straczynski
- Regular readers to this space will likely recall the recent spirited
- discussion about my book "Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man
- Behind Star Trek" (Hyperion). For those who don't know, it's an
- unauthorized but well documented biography that relies on attributed
- testimony from virtually every major Star Trek source, as well as
- documentary evidence to make the case that GR was not the man he
- claimed to be (to say the least).
- With the exception of Entertainment Weekly, whose reviewer seemed
- decidedly upset to learn that GR was not the visionary-creative
- genuis he wanted him to be, the reviews have been excellent. One of
- them, appearing in the Providence (Rhode Island) Journal-Bulletin,
- was accompanied by a sidebar quoting Majel Barrett on several issues
- the book raises. Needless to say, this was most unusual; I'd never
- before seen it in a book review.
- In any event, Mrs. Roddenberry made several ludicrous statements,
- including a few lies (such as I never attempted to interview her).
- But what most amazed me -- and is the reason for this post -- were
- her concluding comments. Myself, I heard the voice of delusion in
- them; and considered them an insult to all Star Trek fans, whom she
- seems to believe are incapable of thinking for themselves. Still, I
- wonder what others make of these thoughts. They follow:
- "Why dash people's dreams? [Gene] did so much, so much that was so
- good. And now this person is trying to dash the dream.
- "If everything in there were true, it still should not have been
- [published]. Because of what it's going to tear down if anybody
- believes that nonsense.
- "People all over the world had hopes and dreams for a better, kinder,
- more gentle world tomorrow. And if anybody believes all this stuff
- that's coming out, there go the dreams. There is no tomorrow. There
- is no vision. There is no future."
- It's obvious that Majel Barrett does not understand the role of
- legitimate biography. And it also seems that, in wanting to surpress
- the truth, she is in violation of ST's most noble sentiments. But do
- her thoughts mirror your own? I would appreciate hearing from as
- many people as possible.
- -- Joel Engel
- As for myself, I'd just like to echo the setiments that others have
- expressed far more eloquently... Biographies and muck-raking are two
- different things. A biography is a skillfully crafted collection of
- facts and anecdotes about the lives of interesting people.
- Muckraking, on the other hand, is sorting through the facts to reveal
- only the portions that support some sort of hidden agenda. The very
- title of your book ("Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind
- Star Trek") suggests that you had an agenda from the start.
- What I find strange and disturbing in all of these recent books is
- that they all have one thing in common: they all conviently waited
- until *after* the only person who knows if they are true or not is
- dead. Sort of a disgusting coincidence, if you ask me.
- -- Robert DeMillo
- Well, I invited it, so I can't complain about it. But FYI, books are
- titled *after* they're written, not before. As I've said many times
- here, I had no agenda when I started, and when I began to discover
- that I would not be spending a couple years with the saintly man I
- expected, I tried to get out of writing about him. It was the people
- at Hyperion who approached me about GR's biography--after he died.
- *Autobiographies* are written while the subject is living;
- biographies after.
- I like to think that my book, to use your words, "is a skillfully
- crafted collection of facts and anecdotes" about an "interesting"
- man, Gene Roddenberry. Though what I thought made him interesting
- was not what he thought made him interesting. I suspect that anyone
- who accuses me of muckraking hasn't read it.
- What I wanted to know in my previous post was whether people believe
- that documenting GR's hypocrisy and self reinvention is anathema to
- the message he espoused. Does revealing one destroy the other, as
- Majel implied? I don't think it does. Discovering Roddenberry has
- not, in any way, diminished my affection for or appreciation of ST;
- if anything, I now enjoy it more. That's partly because I now know
- that the vision was not an individual's, but rather arose in a
- collective. And most of these people are still here, and are still
- deserving of our applause. Learning that Moses contrived the Ten
- Commandments by himself or with friends, instead of receiving the
- tablets on Mt. Sinai, would not undermine my appreciation for their
- message.
- -- Joel Engel
- ... Who does it help if a dead hero is brought down to earth? Who
- does it hurt if the masses believe that the hero was better than the
- truth?.... You who are biographers are our modern myth-makers. You
- have the power to inspire as well as inform. The intersection of the
- two is hazy and ill-defined, but the future will remember us by what
- you write. Will they think any good of us,I wonder?
- -- Matthew Wayne Gertz
- I thank Matthew for his long and impassioned plea to leave our heroes
- as they are known best. I'm not quite sure where we disagree,
- inasmuch as I'm a big fan of heroes and myths. Surely, though, the
- deification of of Gene Roddenberry is a disservice to his own
- message. That's the irony. I got a letter last week from Sam
- Peeples, on whom Gene relied a great deal after the ST deal came
- through with Desilu Studios. It was Peeples who wrote "Where No Man
- Has Gone Before," the pilot that sold the series. He wrote it out of
- friendship with Gene, since the script price was considerably less
- than he normally made. Anyway, in his letter commenting on my book,
- which he'd just read, he emphasized his lifelong friendship with
- Gene, then noted that Gene himself would have recognized himself as
- being portrayed accurately. "I think he would even have laughed,"
- Peeples wrote.
- Authentic biography, whether it ratifies or debunks the subject's
- public image, has a valuable place in society. Especially for one,
- like GR, who so eagerly thrust himself into the public eye. GR
- apparently had little or no compunction about demonizing network and
- studio people, as well as his own writers, producers, and actors,
- when it served his own ambitions; he simply lied when he felt the
- need. Gene invented a mythology in which he played Zeus, and the
- minor gods were pawns on the Olympian landscape. We quite rightly
- castigate the Elmer Gantrys and Jimmy Swaggerts of the world when
- they're caught with their pants down. Why should GR be different?
- There are so many heroes already in this world deserving of our
- emulation. The nobility and idealism of ST are unaffected by these
- "revelations," in the same way that one can appreciate the music of
- Wagner while knowing that his Nazi sympathies made him a moral
- scumbag.
- And no, biographers are not supposed to be myth makers. Responsible
- biographers (I put myself in this class) are supposed to be reporters
- who write with as much accuracy as they can the results of the
- thorough investigation they've made. Future generations will see
- that we were not afraid to look with an unblinking eye at our leaders
- and opinion makers -- unlike in past times when messengers were
- beheaded for delivering unwanted news.
- -- Joel Engel
- David Alexander is the official biographer of Gene Roddenberry. He
- asked me to post this to the net.
- *****
- Simply put, Gene was my friend and I, his. Some months before his
- death in October, 1991, he chose me to chronicle his life. His charge
- was to write an honest biography, "warts and all," to use his phrase.
- To that end I have spent nearly three years researching and writing,
- seeking data, conducting interviews, and verifying facts in order to
- give the reader the accurate information necessary to form and
- intelligent opinion about Gene and the kind of man he was.
- As any knowledgeable historian or biographer knows, access to primary
- sources is the principle requirement for an accurate portrait of the
- subject. Access to Gene's private papers, his letters and
- correspondence, was exlusive to me. That material has provided a
- unique insight into Gene's private thoughts unobtainable in any other
- way.
- Some months before his death I told Gene that when word of the
- biography got out people with their own agendas would seek me out in
- an attempt to use the book to their own ends. I was not interested in
- grudges or reordered experiences to be used for sensationalized
- revenge. These people did not find me a ready audience.
- During the researching and writing I have been in brief contact with
- several people who wanted to write biographies of Gene. All were told
- the same thing: that Gene was a very private man, that much of what
- was in the public domain was incorrect, that there was much about him
- that they did not know, and a great many things they had no way of
- knowing. Consequently, any book they would produce would be bound by
- those limitations.
- The full response to the conflicting claims and nonsense swirling
- around Gene's life will be found in the 600 pages of "STAR TREK
- CREATOR: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry", ROC Books -
- $23.95. (Available at your favorite book store by mid-May or directly
- from the author at 2005 Palo Verde Avenue, Suite 325 IN, Long Beach
- CA, 90815 - add $3 shipping.)
- With regard to the endless debate that seems popular on bulletin
- boards I would say that there is much good advice in the old farmer's
- adage, "Never wrestle with a pig - you might not win, you both get
- covered with mud, and the pig likes it."
- -- David Alexander, Gene Roddenberry's Authorized Biographer
- *****
- All typos are mine. Bye!!
- Scott Evans
- UCLA Astronomy
- The potential reader of Mr. Alexander's biography ought to be
- forewarned that, though he was indeed authorized by GR, his book
- contains surprisingly few primary sources -- those people who worked
- with Roddenberry on ST. Unlike my biography of GR -- "Gene
- Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek" -- which contains
- testimony from *all* important ST sources, Alexander's book has
- comments only from Robert Justman, who also contributed significantly
- to my book. He did not interview, for example, Herb Solow (Desilu
- exec who sold ST), Alden Schwimmer (Gene's agent who suggested that
- he come up with a sf series), John D.F. Black (ST's first story
- editor), D.C. Fontana, either Grant Tinker or Herb Schlosser (NBC
- execs), Harve Bennett, Michael Eisner, Leonard Nimoy, Rick Berman,
- etc. etc. etc. All of these people, and a hundred more, appear in
- my book -- including many of GR's closest friends.
- It's quite clear that, by omitting the comments of people who
- actually worked behind the scenes with Roddenberry, Alexander will be
- presenting the friendliest view possible, not a "warts and all"
- comprehensive, objective work. While Mr. Alexander's access to GR's
- unpublished works and other correspondence no doubt gave him
- insights, as he says, into GR's "private thoughts," biography is
- supposed to focus primarily on *behavior* -- in other words, what
- actually happened, not just the subject's perception of what
- happened. Now, if his book was titled "The Innermost Thoughts and
- Feelings of Gene Roddenberry," this would not be a conflict; calling
- it a "biography" certainly is.
- Essentially, then, what Alexander has written is the posthumous,
- ghostwritten memoirs of Gene Roddenberry. "I was not interested in
- grudges or reordered experiences," Alexander wrote in his post above.
- Nor was I, an objective reporter. I verified everything that
- appeared in my book. What Alexander really is saying is that he
- wasn't interested in hearing from anyone GR had hurt or lied to. He
- wasn't interested in what actually happened, but only in maintaining
- the myth of The Great Bird. That's not biography, that's hagiography
- -- lives of saints. It's easy to dismiss people as having grudges or
- reordered experiences, but if he didn't interview them in the first
- place, how did he know whether the "grudges" were legitimate or,
- indeed, whether their experiences were "reordered?" The question
- Alexander has to answer, as I did, was why so many people who knew
- and worked with GR had "grudges." My research told me that it was
- because GR had reordered *his* experiences.
- Alexander has to serve the editorial pleasure of Majel Barrett, who
- has more than just an emotional interest in what Alexander writes:
- She owns one-third of it. I'm sure his book will have amusing moments
- to it, but will it be the truth? No. Will it locate Roddenberry in
- his actual relationship to ST? No. Will it be an authentic history
- of how ST got on the air, why it went off, and how it got back on
- again? No. How could it be, when he didn't interview the people who
- were there but instead relied on GR's own memories, dreams, and
- reflections.
- Not wanting to appear melodramatic, I nonetheless challenge Mr.
- Alexander to debate me in a public forum, in a place and time of his
- choosing. I will happily place my research, documentation, and
- eyewitness testimony against his. You see, in all the complaining
- and moaning about my book from Alexander/Barrett and their minions,
- there hasn't been a single refutation of any *fact* that appeared in
- my book. And no one -- repeat, *no one* -- has complained of being
- misquoted. Yes, the truth sometimes is unpleasant, but even GR said
- that truth ought to be our master.
- Let me conclude by saying that any reader who wants an authoritative,
- objective account of what went on in the development, production, and
- rise to iconic status of ST will read "Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and
- The Man Behind Star Trek" (Hyperion). Those who want to settle for a
- one-sided view, regurgitated through the word processor of an
- admitted friend who stood in awe of his subject, then by all means
- read Alexander's book. But be forewarned that whatever else his book
- may be, authentic biography it most assuredly is not.
- -- Joel Engel
- Now you've read comments that were circulating on the 'net, here's
- what I (Simon) have got to say on this book. I would like to stress
- that I have NOT read the book and I have no intention of doing so - I
- will be buying the OFFICIAL biography which has Majel's backing.
- First, no matter whether the book is truthful or not, it is still
- nothing short of a "cheap shot" releasing a book like this AFTER the
- subject has passed away. Who can defend Gene against the allegations
- made? Certainly not the man himself and if anyone else tries to
- defend Gene over this book then no doubt they would suffer
- accusations that they are merely trying to protect the memory of Gene
- and not tell the truth. Books like this should be published while the
- subject is still alive, with the consent of the person's family or
- not at all.
- We all know that Gene wasn't perfect - nobody is - but to write a
- book telling us exactly that is NOT what Trek fans want to read.
- David Alexander's boigraphy does go into some detail about Gene's
- personal problems, but it also concentrates on the man himself and on
- Star Trek whereas Engel's book seems to concentrate on dis-crediting
- Gene for Trek.
- Engel mentions Dorothy Fontana for creating part of the background
- for Spock through Sarek and Amanda. Yes, she may have done so, but
- even she acknowledges that Star Trek was Gene's creation - just read
- William Shatner's book, "Star Trek Memories" where she is quotes as
- saying that Gene brought her the proposal for the show to read over
- while Gene's series, The Lieutenant, was winding down in its
- production run.
- Next, in a review I recently read of the book it quotes Engel as
- saying (I may slightly mis-quote this, but the meaning is the same -
- I don't have a photographic memory!) that "Everyone who ever worked
- with Roddenberry grew to either dislike him or distrust him.". Now
- come on, this is an absoloute LIE. For example, Richard Arnold, the
- former Research Consultant admired and respected Gene and had nothing
- but love and admiration for the man, as do Trekkers everywhere.
- Richard would never say a bad word against Gene and anyone who knows
- Richard will attest to that.
- Others I could mention include Marina Sirtis who was seen on a
- documentary about Gene recently in the States where she talked about
- Gene and Majel and she was visibly fighting a losing battle to hold
- her tears back. Now if Marina didn't like Gene, why would she be
- crying?
- Similarly, I have been fortunate enough to meet many of the cast at
- conventions and when I saw George Takei at a con a few months after
- Gene's death, he talked about the loss of his friend and George was
- having difficult preventing himself from crying, as were most of the
- fans in the room listening to him. Others who I have also heard talk
- about Gene affectionately include Jimmy Doohan and Michael Dorn. I
- think it's safe to assume that the statement made by Engel was what
- he WANTS us to believe.
- Finally, I know from a very reliable source, that some of the
- material in Engel's book was taken from "hearsay" evidence - stories
- that were told to Engel by people who weren't there when events took
- place. As Bill Mason said above, I'd like to know who his "sources"
- were.
- Also, the same source was contacted by Engel for the book, who
- refused to comment at the request of Majel Barrett, yet Engel
- persisted, threatened to take the person to court for refusing to be
- interviewed (claiming that it was in breach of his civil rights) and
- he even taped telephone conversations with the same individual
- without permission.
- I won't add anything else, but if nothing else, I think the above two
- paragraphs say alot about the book and the methods used in its
- "research".
- -- Simon Plumbe
- Comments and opinions in this article were from:
- David Alexander, Robert DeMillo, Joel Engel, Matthew Wayne Gertz,
- Bill Mason, Simon Plumbe, J. Michael Straczynski